Random summer thoughts


Here’s a peak inside my brain right now:

Meditation is a game changer. Whatever I meditate upon I magnify. And whatever I magnify controls me.

You have an appetite for the eternal because of your DNA. Image of God. You’ll never be satisfied until you partake of the eternal.

Children are a much bigger blessing than my culture told me.

Davids need Jonathons.

I miss watching soccer at the gym.

I am severely shaped by the prayers I pray, the books I read, and the conversations I have.

Be as clear as the Bible is clear and as unclear as it is unclear.

You NEVER find yourself by looking for yourself. You NEVER find contentment by looking for it. It is a byproduct of seeking something eternal.

Discover the reality of the threshold in prayer.

Remember the poor. The broken and destitute have an effect on your soul that no one else will. The sacramental poor cause some of the deepest worship.

Learn the secret of fasting. Get over the legalism of it and do it.

God is an expert as using DELAY to develop his people. As well as DISAPPOINTMENT. He is clearly willing to disappoint us in the short run to redeem us in the long run.

God knows how to prune.

Do your math without Jesus and the equation will depress you. Insert Jesus in the equation and everything changes.

Nothing but the light of God’s presence compensates for the blind spots in our souls.

God is Jesus, and Jesus is good.



COVID-19 is real

The virus is real. It’s not a hoax. We’re not dreaming. It’s covering the earth. We are living in unprecedented times. It’s a pandemic, and everybody has been called to share the message with everybody of how to save lives.

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Thoughts on Random summer thoughts

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