Smart people can be really stupid

I’ve been troubled by King Solomon this morning. He was basically the wisest man who ever lived. And yet.

Solomon loved many foreign women … and his wives turned away his heart. For when he was old… (it takes a while) …his wives turned away his heart after other gods. 1 Kings 11:1-4.

This is the man who had multiple face-to-face encounters with the living God. Yet an experience, no matter how authentic, is never enough. Encounters with God must be maintained. Relationships demand loyalty and endurance, which is why it is entirely possible to have legitimate experiences, true encounters, to hear God’s voice – and still fall hard. The brother had 700 wives and few hundred concubines on the side. No wonder he died young.

The human heart is more sensitive than we imagine. It must be guarded. Left unguarded, our souls attach themselves to subtly toxic relationships that dull the heart. We are moved by relationship far more than information, which is why nothing predicts your future like your friends. Good thing there is a Friend who sticks closer than a brother, if you’ll let Him.

Perhaps a relationship inventory is in order. Some relationships are life-giving, even eternal. Water those gardens. Don’t take them for granted. Carve out space in your life to maintain them. Connect over the holidays. Send the text, write the note, make the call. But some relationships are polluted and you know it. They dull your heart and delay your destiny. Be wise, Solomon.

How do smart people become stupid? Relationships.

Guard your heart above all else, for it determines the course of your life. Proverbs 4:23


COVID-19 is real

The virus is real. It’s not a hoax. We’re not dreaming. It’s covering the earth. We are living in unprecedented times. It’s a pandemic, and everybody has been called to share the message with everybody of how to save lives.

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