This man eats with sinners

“This man eats with sinners.”

That was the accusation against Jesus.

Because meals have a way of communicating. There’s something about a dinner that puts a person in their place.

How fascinating that one of the tools the Pharisees used to put people in their place was to refuse table fellowship. Sharing a meal meant an open hand and a heart of acceptance. To refuse a meal meant censure and a heart of rejection. The Pharisees knew what they were doing.

And so did Jesus. He ate with outcasts. He sat with sinners. No strings attached.

No wonder they saw the light.

What if we recaptured the lost art of a good meal and great conversation? Cell phones on silent and hearts open wide. I bet you know someone that could use a real meal this week. The Bible calls it hospitality.

You are welcome.

For previous thoughts on hospitality click here


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