Passion Week Monday

blog - Holy Monday

It was Monday.

Yesterday we waved palm branches to exalt Him; on Friday we will lift up a cross to execute Him. Crucify Him, we will demand. Oh how fickle, how changeable we humans are. And yet, “from everlasting to everlasting You are God.” (Psalm 90:2)

This is very good news.

The same One who counted the cost in eternity and chose to take on flesh, is now counting the cost in time and choosing to endure till it is finished. And we need it to be finished.

But first.

There is a temple to cleanse and a fig tree to curse. There is a widow’s mite to admire and unbelief to rebuke. There are religious abusers to confront and disciples’ feet to be washed. And don’t forget all those red words. Few syllables in history carry the weight of these final words from this final week. Parables and prophecies, lamentations and lessons, woe and wonder.

God is speaking.

Are we listening?

(If you’re interested, Matthew 21-25 is a potent way to spend some of your attention Monday and Tuesday during this holy week.)

I read this thought today and all I could think about was Jesus on Passion Monday morning: “Teach us to number our days that we may gain a heart of wisdom.” (Psalm 90:12) He knew His hours were numbered; He knew the Passover clock was counting down; He knew the Lamb had to be slain. Thus He numbered His days, He moved in wisdom, and He finished the task at hand.

So with an eye on the ticking clock of your life, and a humility to recognize we have no guarantees about tomorrow, I challenge us to ask God to teach us to number our days. Obviously this means wise people plan their work and work their plan; they don’t just wait for life to happen to them.  But it’s more eternal than that. There are lives to touch, there is love to spread, and there is a resurrection story that changes everything. As soon as it’s believed. Which only happens when they hear. Which only happens when it’s shared. Let’s go.

Thank God it’s Monday.


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Thoughts on Passion Week Monday

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