Medical update – overwhelmed

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him, or the son of man that you care for him? (Psalm 8:3-4)

I’m still groggy from the drugs they use to knock you out for surgery, but I feel like the cleansed leper who had to come back and give thanks to Jesus. The last thing I remember was looking at the ceiling of an operating room. The next thing I know my wife is explaining that God had granted our petition: the cyst on my vocal fold had disappeared. She watched the camera go down my throat two weeks earlier, and she was now looking at the pictures of two healthy vocal folds. As we prepared for surgery, the doctor said I would not be back to full strength until March. A four-month recovery is now reduced to just a few days, to restore the body from the effects of putting equipment down the throat for surgery.

I am in awe. I am overwhelmed at the fervent prayer support and affection of God’s people. I’m so serious: thank you, a million times over. I am extremely grateful for an incredible doctor. But I am melted, stunned, and humbled by the goodness and greatness of a king named Jesus.

If you’re interested in pictures, here are the before and after. Pic 1 has the cyst, pic 2 has none. This is not Christianese: Deepest thanks and greatest glory to God.



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